How attractive are you to the women you want?
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About Jessica J...
A born and bred Jersey girl, Jessica J first entered the realm of sex and relationships when she first sought to become a Marriage and Family Therapist in Hollywood, CA.
While handling all things marriage and parenting-related at work, Jessica got her stress relief at night by blogging about her single-girl sex life in LA.
Soon enough, she found herself transitioning from the family room to the bedroom, as she eventually began writing sex advice for the masses at an instructional porn company under the guise of a blonde, bombshell porn star (who shall not be named).
While talking about family matters and writing about sex seemed to operate in two opposite realms, Jessica eventually made her way back to personal assistance and guidance and found her true calling as a personal dating coach for men.
She’s since been featured as one of “America’s Most Desirable Daters” on Nightline after having the most messaged online dating profile in Los Angeles and was the resident dating coach and host of the Playboy Radio Show, The Couch, where she assisted men, women, and couples in problematic areas within their sex and dating lives.
Her main focus now is assisting men in all things dating, sex and self related with Solution-Focused Therapy principles, offering personal direction to men seeking to understand better women, themselves, and how to get exactly what they want with both.
Award-winning YouTube Channel

Do Jessica's Courses Really Work?
6 Dates in 2 months 🙂
Jessica! Ok, I have at LEAST tripled my dating results in the past two months!! I went from being hopelessly undateable to being able to work a room completely! It’s been the best couple of months of my life and I owe it all to you. If you’re ever in North Dakota, beers on me!
I just wanted to say thanks, Jess. You explained this stuff in a way no one’s ever been able to to me and it’s changed my life. Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you!
Holy Cow!
Hey, I just wanted to touch base with you on my dating profile. So, I put my profile up last week (included 2 pics) and it has been out of control. My phone hasn't stopped going off since. I've match with like 14 girls and have be liked by like 30. Have 2 dates this weekend and am talking to 6 other girls as well. I wanted to thank you because it was your homework that I sucked at doing that I sucked at doing that has been the big draw. They all laugh and use it as a starter when they reach out to me (Bumble). Thanks again.
- Dating coach client
I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Dude, PRS + HAY. I've mentioned it on your channel but you have no idea what a game changer this was. Without this I would have continued to have cringe experiences and not realize why it was driving me nuts, so I'm truly grateful to have found you. I'm the happiest I've ever been. And the girls I'm with seem even more so!