Weekly Coaching Sessions

One-Year Membership

Fast Action-Takers Only

Unfortunately you don't qualify to move forward with our 90-Day Coaching Intensive...so let's do a a year of weekly training instead.

The Opportunity To Work With Me PERSONALLY On a Weekly Basis

This is your private key to unlock the minds and heart of any woman you want…

With me by your side on a weekly basis, I'll be able to give you more direct, customized guidance to getting who and what you ultimately want for your dating life.

Let me give you an inside look on how we women think and make sense of men...

To give YOU an added advantage over all other men out there!

Today, I’m widely known as the go-to EXPERT on female psychology and LEVELING UP in your dating life

I'm the only dating coach with a concrete, measurable system for success with women...

Where I can pinpoint specific variables of connection & chemistry in an interaction...

To GUIDE YOU in creating and building the type of EMOTION that gets women HOOKED within seconds of you opening your mouth...

Without having to change a DAMN THING about yourself!

And you get FULL ACCESS to my system now  and an entire year of me guiding you as you use it to get and keep the women you want!

Here's What's Included In Our 1-Year Membership

  1. 1
    ONE YEAR of Access To My Live Client-Only Q&A Sessions (valued at $2997) - direct, live access to me and other clients in our community going through the same things you might be! Lots of clients appreciate these meet-ups because they hear how things are going with others...to realize that you're actually not alone in any of this stuff...and you'll have me (and your peers) by your side for a full year (something that has never been offered before!)
  2. 2
    Two Complimentary Spotlight Sessions With Me & A Practice Girl (valued at $1997) - to get a baseline assessment of your interaction patterns with women...because it's not enough for me to just HEAR how you are with women...we need to see it in order to help you fix it!  
  3. 3
    Access To Entire Digital Training Suite (valued at $1,200) - access to our coveted Client Curriculum that all my private clients use to get immediate results with women through their interactions and via text, on top of my salacious sexting and orgasm trainings not available to the public!
  4. 4
    Client-Only Facebook Group Access (available only with one-on-one coaching packages) - unlimited, ongoing access to our Client-Only Community, where you'll see exclusive training videos/tutorials that I do on a random, spontaneous basis (!), hear from former and current clients about what they're currently going through and the setbacks (and successes!) they're having, and get direct access to me for as long as you choose to stay in the group!

All of this Sold Separately Would Total $6000

We women WANT you to know what it takes to capture our hearts and captivate our 😻😻😻… and I'll tell ya exactly how we want it! 

And any MAN who tries to teach you this...

Is only gonna be able to teach you what worked for HIM.

But you're not like him.

Or any OTHER man on the planet!

Which is is why getting access RIGHT FROM THE SOURCE is ALWAYS gonna give you the secret-door-short-cut you're looking for...

That the MAJORITY of men will never even THINK to look for!

My Clients Have Used My Consistent Ongoing Guidance To Meet Their Future Girlfriends (And Even Wives)

Sometimes it's MORE THAN ENOUGH to just see someone ELSE fail and falter before YOU'RE doing things right yourself....

So find out how YOU can better your interactions with women...to get the ones you want...all while hearing about SOMEONE ELSE going through the trials and errors of it all!

You'll know Exactly HOW To Get WHO and WHAT You Want With Your Behind-The-Scenes, Insider Knowledge on Exactly WHAT and WHO Women Want With My Consistent By-Your-Side Guidance.


  • Wondering why you're still not with the women you want...without a clue as to what you need to do...
  • Hearing from other people that you're "a great guy!"...and yet still can't seem to figure this stuff out on your own...
  • Seeing other "lesser" men get and keep quality women...when you KNOW you've got a lot to offer...and yet you're still not making much headway with women you want...
  • Feeling lost and “out of date” in your interactions with women…
  • Losing out on women who seemed interested at first...without knowing wtf happened!
  • Talking to a woman, while simultaneously watching HER lose interest while YOU scramble in your head for the next few words to keep her from walking away...
  • Getting phased into the Friend Zone because you’re apparently “too nice” or hearing "You're really great I'm just not looking to date right now"...when you met on a dating app!
  • Seeing a woman across the room that you know you'd love to talk to, but finding yourself completely frozen while watching her and the moment slip away from you...

  Then This is your defining moment...  

The Decision is Now