Refund Policy

No refunds will be provided after client has provided an initial payment for coaching services.

If you opted for a payment plan, installments will continue to be billed regardless of continuance in program. Installments are also nonrefundable.

JESSICA J DATING Clients are not entitled to a refund or chargeback for any reason.

There are shared documents, access to files, training, and proprietary systems that are accessed by clients at the start of the course. All payments made to JESSICA J DATING pursuant to this Agreement are final and are not refundable for any reason.

*Note: As mentioned above, all refunds are discretionary. If you just downloaded the training material (pdfs, audios, videos, and/or etc), and then promptly asked for a refund, we reserve the right to deny your refund request.

If you wish to discontinue your work and or involvement in Spotlight Speed Dating, you can redeem your purchase for one-on-one private training with Jessica or one of her coaches, depending on your current situation and needs.

If you have done the work, and are not seeing results, we will work with you one on one to help you achieve results.

This refund policy only applies to coaching services, either one-on-one services, practice calls, group sessions, or any combination of the latter purchased.

In the event that you pay using payment processors, this refund policy does not cover payments processor buyers protection.

You will first and always contact us first before escalating to paypal to make sure we are helping and serving you in the best way possible. If you ask for a refund, and it is denied (for the reasons stated above), but then you move and escalate to paypal, that motion and refund will also be denied and you waive your rights to payment processors protection and we reserve the right to revoke access to the program. Additional fees and fines might apply in this case.

If it has been determined that client has engaged in any inappropriate language, discussion, or harassment of any kind (not limited to but including demanding of practice girls’ phone numbers or private information, insisting of meeting up outside of program, or lewd talk or any kind) client will be immediately removed from program, without any refunds, no questions asked.