
I can't wait to meet you!

Check your inbox for Calendly invite.  It has our Zoom meeting link for your scheduled session!

Step #1:

Come PREPARED For a Half-Hour Deep-Dive 

Because we’re seeing if my 90-Day Coaching Intensive would be a good fit for you to finally create connection & chemistry with women you want…

I’m gonna need you to get really honest and open with me!

So please be prepared with good internet connection, a quiet place where you feel comfortable enough to disclose pertinent information relating to this area of your life…

And more importantly…

ON TIME and ready to talk!

If you’re going to be late, please let me know at and if you’re more than 10 minutes late, I’ll be ending the meeting and blacklisting you from being able to book another one.

We do not offer any reschedules if you do not show up or show up more than 10 minutes late so please be mindful and respectful of OUR time…and also mindful and respectful to YOUR WORD!

We’re looking for men of their word so if you say you’re gonna be there, please follow through with your actions.

We totally get it life happens so if you need to reschedule just email me to let me know

If you just don’t show up, we’ll take that as you just we would not have been a good client to work with.

I pride myself on giving 110% to every single guy who takes a chance on himself in finding the love (and/or whatever else he wants with women) that he deserves for himself in this life...

So again PLEASE just communicate with us God forbid you need to!

Step #2: 

Come PREPARED For a Half-Hour Deep-Dive 

If you haven’t yet watched them, I created some “self-selection” homework videos before opening the doors to this program…and I want you to watch or REWATCH them to write down how you can relate to the points outlined in each.

I wanna know what your biggest confidence concerns are, I wanna know what you’ve tried doing that isn’t working, I wanna know what you ALREADY KNOW and WANT TO DO…but still aren’t doing.

So AGAIN please watch (or REWATCH) the videos, and for homework, take notes on how you can relate to it for our call!

Step #3: 

Read About Some of Our Incredible Past Clients’ Experiences With Jessica J And Practice Date Posse!

Step #4: 

Meet Your Girls

About Jessica J...

A born and bred Jersey girl, Jessica J first entered the realm of sex and relationships when she first sought to become a Marriage and Family Therapist in Hollywood, CA.

While handling all things marriage and parenting-related at work, Jessica got her stress relief at night by blogging about her single-girl sex life in LA.

Soon enough, she found herself transitioning from the family room to the bedroom, as she eventually began writing sex advice for the masses at an instructional porn company under the guise of a blonde, bombshell porn star (who shall not be named).

While talking about family matters and writing about sex seemed to operate in two opposite realms, Jessica eventually made her way back to personal assistance and guidance and found her true calling as a personal dating coach for men.

She’s since been featured as one of “America’s Most Desirable Daters” on Nightline after having the most messaged online dating profile in Los Angeles and was the resident dating coach and host of the Playboy Radio Show, The Couch, where she assisted men, women, and couples in problematic areas within their sex and dating lives.

Her main focus now is assisting men in all things dating, sex and self related with Solution-Focused Therapy principles, offering personal direction to men seeking to understand better women, themselves, and how to get exactly what they want with both.

The Team

Step #5: 

You Heard From Our Clients, Now Let's Hear From One of My Girlfriends Who's Talked To Them!

"I remember the first time I saw “Teddy” on our Spotlight Speed Date, where Jessica sits on and watches me talk to the guys one and one while offering her perspective and feedback.

My first thought was, “AWW good for him getting help!” because he was this balding 20-year old (or so I thought and balding like the type where it’s gone completely on the top but he’s still holding onto the side hairs for dear life), he had gaps in between all his teeth, and was wearing a shirt that looked like he got it out of the garbage.

I feel bad saying this now but our first conversation I couldn’t WAIT for it to be over 😭 he blabbered on and on and his nervousness made me so uncomfortable.

And I’m the type of girl that can get along with anyone!

When Jessica pointed out what I looked like the entire call, it was really eye opening for me because I didn’t even realize the things I was doing!

Like nodding, and saying uh huh and asking him more questions when I was annoyed he was talking so much!

Like why WAS I doing that if I was so annoyed that he was ALREADY talking so much? 🧐

Then she pointed out to him things he was doing that I didn’t even notice either: the fidgeting, the topics I couldn’t relate to, his never once asking ME a question or acknowledging any of my responses, however short they were.

All things that absolutely contributed to me feeling uncomfortable and annoyed, which I wouldn’t have been able to verbalize myself to be honest cuz when you’re in it as a woman all you know is you’re not feeling all that great and wanting out.

We’re not sitting here thinking, “OK what’s he doing wrong and how can he do better?”

So as a woman I was really blown away by hearing my own experience put into words so perfectly.

By week 2 it was completely flipped, but not necessarily in a better way haha!

NOW he was COMPLETELY bombing me with question after question, still no eye contact, and while fine we’re talking about ME now, I still felt uncomfortable and annoyed like he’s ripping off my clothes without getting naked himself!

How rude, right? 😝

So obviously Jessica points THAT out and points out the complete lack of connection.

Teddy took notes the whole time, admitted to watching last week’s playback (cuz all of these interactions are recorded) and making a mental note to NOT talk about himself AT ALL.

Which was cute cuz he OBVIOUSLY made a huge change…just in the complete opposite direction lol

So by week 3 it’s a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Teddy.

This time we have a REALLY smooth back and forth, to the point where I don’t even notice the time passing between us.

In fact it truly felt like the FIRST TIME I’d ever actually MET Teddy, because the first 2 times it just felt like a conversation I desperately wanted out of.

Jessica then applauded the TREMENDOUS improvement, but noted that, “Teddy…I wanna see you laugh already! It’s time”

So she tells him where in the Speak To Spark Arousal program to look back on and what to practice, which I know nothing about and I’m just like ok whatever.

So we get off the call and I think nothing of it or Teddy or our interaction until week 4.


Jessica mutes herself and turns off her video and Teddy immediately goes, “OK Jackie please tell me wtf kinda costume you wore for Halloween did you go as a Backstreet Boy like you said you would?!” and I IMMEDIATELY burst out laughing and start blushing cuz LAST WEEK I said I would do that and I was just floored he remembered at all!

Then from there we just…clicked.

I’m literally smiling SO HARD right now writing this just remembering it all.

We clicked and the entire time I’m laughing and blushing and I feel like I’m on an actual date that I DON’T want to end!

So our time’s up and I’m SO FUCKING PISSED Jessica is back on haha!!!

She points out to Teddy it’s the first time he or I had ever laughed in 4 weeks together and wtf what a flirting MACHINE he is and how she felt uncomfortable stopping the call cuz she felt like this was a private conversation she shouldn’t have been watching AND THATS EXACTLY HOW I FELT TOO like omg bitch go away! HAHA!

Teddy admits to going back through Speak To Spark Arousal to the section on how to make her laugh and went further forward into the sections on flirting and wanted to try everything out for his last week together.


So Teddy leaves with Jessica’s Moving Forward Feedback, she stops the recording, and I immediately scream out, “I WANNA FUCK TEDDY!!!!!!”

And Jessica screams “AAHHHH I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!”

And I’m ever since that call I’m not gonna lie I’ve been like looking him up on social media and stalking the shit out of him and like hoping he finds ME (cuz I can’t reach out that’d be creepy, right?) and just like thinking about him and that interaction like I haven’t felt chemistry like that…maybe EVER in my life and it blows my mind that Jessica could seriously CREATE it for us just by simple guidelines along the way within 4 weeks.

Mind you Teddy’s appearance DID NOT CHANGE AT ALL throughout the 4 weeks, he’s still someone I would absolutely never swipe right on or even consider talking to myself if I saw him in a bar and he told us flat out he’s broke and borrowed money from his parents to be able to take part in the program (he also still lives with his parents and is in his LATE 30’s apparently even though he looks so timid and small!).

Either way I’m saying I’m blown away not only by Teddy’s progress in the program but also my OWN feelings because I KNOW we’re just “practicing” but it’s like regardless Jessica was able to orchestrate genuine EMOTION out of me, despite it being a “controlled setting” or what have you.

And if it can work for Teddy I swear to God it’ll work for you.

Just don’t be surprised if you catch me looking you up one day after hahaha!!!! 🙈"